Park rules

  1. You can use your static caravan only for use as holiday accommodation for families. The number of occupants must not to exceed the number of berths. Use of the caravan is strictly for the private use by you and your family and friends, no hiring.
  2. The maximum age of the caravan to be 15 years, unless otherwise agreed.
  3. Caravans on the park are to be manufacture specification approved by the park owner or park operator. Electrical appliances must be maintained in a safe condition, no upgrading without approval.
  4. You are to keep the caravan in a good state of repair and condition and are to comply with all servicing and usage recommendations of the caravan manufacturer (as required by the BH&HPA contract) and in addition wash and wax the exterior of the caravan once a year.
  5. No building work is to be erected by you nor is it permitted to erect any extensions / awnings, fence, TV aerials, plant pots or under take any gardening. Tents, tourers or camper vans are not permitted on the site or pets of any sort.
  6. The underside of your caravan is not permitted to be used as storage area. The area immediately surrounding your caravan to be kept tidy.
  7. To maintain the tranquillity of the park you, your guests, and any appointed trades people are to be courteous and considerate in manner towards all others users of the park, park owner, park operator and employees of the park operator. Children must be supervised. Persons under the age of 18 years that stay at the park must be supervised by an adult of 21 years or older. Behaviour of all persons on the park is to be in keeping with the secluded, peaceful surrounds of the park. No music is to be played in the park at any time other than radios and / or TV played inside the caravan at a volume not audible from outside a caravan.
  8. To prevent late night disturbances to other park users no cars to be driven through the park between midnight and 5.30am. This helps to prevent headlights and engine noise from disturbing other users, if you arrive at the park after midnight cars can be left outside the park gates, but not blocking the entrance for other users or the emergency services and must be brought into the park by 10.00am.
  9. Place your refuse in the bins provided within the refuse area and ensure your refuse does not litter any part of the site.
  10. Please use the laundry room equipment with due respect leaving the room clean and tidy as with all other facilities within the utility block and park.
  11. Ensure you close any park gates on entering and leaving the park, and more over apply with any rules that may be in forced from time to time.
  12. A county trail is available for your use provided the country code is strictly adhered to. The farm and farm buildings are strictly out of bounds.
  13. The park owner or operator may review and amend the Park rules from time to time but only in accordance with the procedure set out in the License Agreement.

Nancolleth caravan park…..a beautifully kept, peaceful idyll of rural retreat, perfectly situated, within easy reach of all the best places, and many stunning walks, both coastal and inland that Cornwall has to offer….for us every visit is as relaxing as it is exhilarating….

Caravan owner from Bristol

Take the next step toward your new lifestyle

Owning a holiday home at Nancolleth Caravan Park gives you the freedom and flexibility to get away from it all and enjoy relaxing breaks in beautiful Cornwall whenever you feel the need. We make the buying process simple and straightforward, helping you every step of the way…

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